Taylor Swift and boyfriend Travis Kelce hit Dogpound gym for private workout session in West Hollywood

Taylor Swift and boyfriend Travis Kelce appeared to be on their way to a strenuous workout on Sunday, as the singer’s vehicle turned up at DogPound gym in West Hollywood following a sushi date at Nobu.
The lovebirds, who have been hunkering down at her $25 million Beverly Hills after returning from their romantic trip to the Bahamas, managed to squeeze in a sweat session amid their busy schedules.
The pop star, 34, previously revealed she got in tip top shape for The Eras Tour by singing on the treadmill, lifting weights and strength training at DogPound, six months before opening night last March.
‘Every day I would run on the treadmill, singing the entire set list out loud,’ she continued. ‘Fast for fast songs, and a jog or a fast walk for slow songs.’
Three months before the tour, Taylor also began working relentlessly with choreographer Mandy Moore, to learn the dance moves.
Mandy was recommended to her by her pal Emma Stone. Emma had previously worked with Mandy on the musical La La Land.
The pop star admitted, ‘Learning choreography is not my strong suit. I had three months of dance training, because I wanted to get it in my bones.
‘I wanted to be so over-rehearsed that I could be silly with the fans, and not lose my train of thought.’
The musician told the publication that in the past, she lived ‘like a frat guy’ on the road, but this time was