Golf Influencer Grace Charis Drops Her Own Paige Spiranac Style Slow-Mo Swing Video

The summer, especially over the past week or so, has belonged to Paige Spiranac. She’s been flexing her world’s No. 1 ranked golf influencer muscles during a truly legendary run and putting the rest of the golf influeners on notice.

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The OutKick Culture Department has taken note, as has the entire internet. From her Fourth of July slow-mo video to a repeat performance a couple of days later, straight through to some important tips on crushing golf balls with enormous boobs.
It’s been one hit after the other. A run that is truly impressive even for the best to ever do it. When you’re the best at what you do, there are going to be challenges issued, whether verbally or through content.
Paige has already accepted a challenge from fellow golf influencer Hailey Rae Ostrom to hit the course in what promises to be an all-time showdown in the history of golf. An event that can grow the game like none other.
Now she’s facing what appears to be another attempt at a battle of content from arguably her greatest competition on the content front, Grace Charis.
She posted a slow-mo video of her swing on Instagram – where she’s up to 3.4 million followers – that, given Paige’s recent use of slow motion, could only be seen as a challenge.