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World Heavyweight Championship “The Ring General” Gunther (c) destroyed sami Zayn on Monday night raw




The bell rings, and they lock up. Gunther applies a side headlock and cinches it in. Zayn fights up and tries to whip Gunther off, but Gunther keeps the side headlock applied. Gunther slings him over with a takedown. Zayn fights up and whips him off before pulling the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Zayn teases a dive but springboards back into the ring when Gunther moves.


-Commercial Break-

Picture-in-Picture Commercial Break: Gunther takes a few moments to collect himself before getting back in the ring. They lock up, and Zayn gets him in the corner. Zayn chops the chest and backs up. Gunther is not happy and goes to the apron to make Zayn wait. Gunther gets back in the ring and kicks Zayn in the midsection. Gunther whips him hard to the corner and charges, but Zayn boots him back. Zayn punches Gunther and bounces him off the top turnbuckle. Zayn comes off the middle rope with a double ax handle. Zayn drives him into the opposite corner and starts the ten punches. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10. Gunther rolls out of the ring to recover. Gunther slowly gets back in the ring and approaches Zayn. Zayn goes for a waistlock, but Gunther wrenches the arm and takes him down. Gunther wrenches the arm.

Back from the break, Zayn fights up and punches out. Gunther reverses a whip, but Zayn ducks two clotheslines. Zayn jumps, but Gunther catches him and slams him onto the top turnbuckle. Gunther chops him and hangs him over the ropes while digging his boot into Zayn’s throat. Gunther talks some trash. Gunther punches and chops Zayn before taking him down. Gunther saunters around the ring, but Zayn elbows him in the ear. Zayn comes off the second rope, but Gunther chops him out of mid-air. Gunther sweeps his foot on Zayn’s forehead. Gunther gets Zayn on his feet and chops him down. Gunther pulls him up, but Zayn punches away at him. Zayn goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Gunther blocks it. Gunther rocks him with a chop and sends him into the ropes for a chop to the chest.

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