Travis Kelce’s Lates Comments May Land Him in Hot Water with Taylor Swift

When Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce is no stranger to going viral for things he says on his “New Heights” podcast, which he co-hosts with his brother Jason.
The 35-year-old All-Pro made headlines just a few weeks ago for some risqué comments he made about the details of his bedroom activities with girlfriend Taylor Swift, and now it seems Kelce could be in hot water again for remarks he made on the latest episode of “New Heights.”
While answering a question about ideas for a bad date, Kelce boldly stated he doesn’t have bad dates and can make pretty much any activity part of a good date. He followed that up by referencing strip clubs as a bad date idea before complementing said establishments for having good food.
“I don’t know, man,” Kelce said. “I’ve only thought of good date ideas, I’ve never thought of the worst. I feel like I can make anything shake. Maybe don’t take her to the strip club, although some strip clubs do have really good wings. I think I got some to-go one time.”