Taylor Swift’s BFF, Jack Antonoff, is under fire for comments that were perceived as shade towards Billie Eilish and her song “Lunch”, their feud seems to continue…

Taylor Swift collaborator Jack Antonoff has been accused of throwing shade at Billie Eilish as their alleged feud appears to be rolling on.
The 40-year-old Bleachers frontman appeared on Today on Thursday to talk about his band’s new self-titled album but it was one comment made in passing that had fans talking just weeks after pal Taylor had been accused of ‘sabotaging’ her younger rivals.
On the morning chat show/news program Jack had been asked about his songwriting process as he answered that he tends to write music about things which impact him emotionally rather than something as simple as a meal
He answered: ‘It’s hard to write unless you’re really compelled. And sometimes what compels you is way more serious things.
‘I never feel like… You don’t hear a lot of great songs about like, one’s lunch order. So the things you don’t really understand and cause you pain are usually things worth writing about.’