Just in : HEARWARMING moment as Taylor Swift music reconcile mother and daughter relationship.I’ve become a Taylor Swift super-fan…

My name is Antonella, and I am a middle-aged Taylor Swift super-fan. That’s not something I ever thought I would have to admit.
My musical tastes have always run more to Nirvana and the Sex Pistols and, until a year or so ago, I believed that successful mainstream pop stars were below my dignity
Every mother-daughter relationship stretches, or even fractures, during the teen years. Inevitably, she asserts her independence and what once seemed magical about you grows ho-hum. It’s a natural stage of development – but wow, it hurts. From birth, Bethesda was the centre of my universe.
Her jaundiced head looked like a squashed satsuma but, to me, she was the most gorgeous creature ever born. The prospect of being separated from her for more than a few hours was unthinkable.
I remember my then husband’s incredulity when, in Bethesda’s infancy, I turned down the opportunity to interview Clint Eastwood in Los Angeles because I couldn’t bear to leave my daughte